I haven't had much of an appetite lately, and the last couple of days I have had a stomach ache that has kept me from eating much at all. This couldn't have happened at a worse time, considering I just received a copy of V-con from my mom for an early X-mas gift. I was so thrilled and elated, flipping through the pages, noting all of the the recipes I wanted to try first. The very next day I felt as if I was coming down with something, by the end of the night (at the potluck, no less) I could hardly eat a thing. I spent the next day in bed, not touching food until around 5pm, and then only some toast and yogurt. I made a quick and simple veggie-rice soup for dinner, and had a bowlful. I thought I was feeling better this morning, but when I got to work my stomach began flipping over. I tried to get some form of nourishment from a smoothie for breakfast, but it made things worse and my stomach wouldn't have it. Thankfully, I brought some leftover soup for lunch, and paired with Green Power Kombucha, I was able to get through the day. I love that stuff! I don't know if it is just something going around, or maybe stress. Thankfully, what I do eat I can keep down. The stress factor will soon be lessened since today is my last day at Dirty Dog, and I will only have one job to worry about. My appetitie is already beginning to come back since I have been browsing through some blogs, looking at all of the delicious food everyone has been making. This whole no appetitie thing is really weird for me.
Needless to say, no food pictures for this post. I do have some awesome stuff to post, though. It involves chickpeas and cutlets, and a red wine roux..but I wont say anymore! I'll get around to it soon. What I want to do now is give a big happy exciting congratulations to Joanna at Yellow Rose Recipes and her husband for bringing baby Milo into the world! Even though I lost on the baby before book/book before baby challenge, I'm glad he is here and he's so cute I can easily forgive him. So happy for you guys, good luck in the baby raisin' world!
I'm glad you quit your other job and I'll bet you start feeling lots better real soon.
I can't wait to see what all you cook up out of V-con! And I saw you made some cran-ban bread. That's a nice combo I think!
I think you're right. I'm feeling better already.
I was very pleased with the results of the bread, and I really want to try the gluten-free version next time. I agree, great combo!
Veganomicon is HUGE. Seriously, what a big damn book. I'm not complaining though :)
The only kinds of Kombucha I can drink all of in one sitting are grape & cranberry. The taste takes some getting used to, doesn't it? Those drinks are a quick fix (doesn't relieve it all day) for my headaches, so try them out if you have one too. Also, is it me or do they get you a little tipsy? The content if about equal (or less maybe) to only one 10 oz beer. Weird.
It is pretty damn big. I'm in looove with it.
I've only tried grape (love it), ginger and green power Kombuchas. It definately takes getting used to, but I remember loving it from the start. I wish I could drink it every day, because it makes me feel so good. I don't know about tipsy, but I feel lighter and stuff.
Hope you are feeling much better....
I guessed book before baby too, but I win anyways since I preordered and it arrived yesterday! No baby for me, but I'll take a cookbook!
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